Division III Specifics

D-III schools are permitted 10 days, each limited to a 90-minute session, outside of the playing & practice season for team-specific leadership programming. 

The DAL360 can be an ideal way to help your team get even more out of these offseason leadership sessions.

If you don’t have any leadership programming in place, our leadership development tool can help give you a foundational starting point to build from.

We are also available to help you sort out the structure of a new program–that’s one of our passions!

And if you already have a program–or if your school already runs a leadership cohort–the DAL360 is a great way to max out the use of those leadership sessions.

Many coaches we’ve spoken to have noted they have only been able to use a handful of their 10 permitted leadership session sessions each offseason. The DAL360 can be adapted to fit into one session or five; how deeply you dive into it or how much time you are able to commit is very flexible.

Not only that, but we established our pricing structure and platform development specifically with D-III schools in mind.

We want our leadership tools to be accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.

Whether you’re a large-budget Power Five program or a smaller liberal arts school, we want our services to fit your needs and budget.

Questions, interested in learning more? Check out our FAQs section (specifically General FAQ #3), contact us, or sign up today!

division III leadership athletics